AI Afahyɛ is almost here

What is AI AfahyƐ?

This is the first of its kind. A festival dubbed "AI AfahyƐ" aimed at facilitating knowledge transfer, promoting research, and fostering collaboration for AI projects and adoption in Ghana and Africa at large. This event will celebrate and promote technology in the fields of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Deep Learning. The festival will serve as a platform to bring together experts, innovators, influencers, and passionate individuals who are making a difference in society through the use of artificial intelligence to address real-world problems.

What to expect: 

- Keynote speakers who are driving AI adoption and research on the African continent.

- AI project demos

- Roundtable Discussions

- Networking, etc. 


The countdown is on!









We are bringing together AI thought leaders and experts for the biggest gathering ever in Ghana to celebrate Artificial Intelligence. Stay tuned for the unveiling of our speakers soon. 

Meet our Speakers

Darlington Akogo Follow me on LinkedIn

Key Note Speaker
Founder, CEO, minoHealth AI, karaAgro AI | AI4Radiology Chair, United Nations ITU & WHO Focus Group on AI For Health

Winifred Kotin Follow me on LinkedIn

Chief Executive Officer & Lead Consultant Chief Executive Officer & Lead Consultant Eagle Innovations - Technology Enabled Innovations, Strategy & Digital Transformation

Deborah Arthur Follow me on LinkedIn

Cofounder of AI Ghana
Team Lead, Divas in AI

Joshua Agyemang Follow me on LinkedIn

President of Ghana STEM Network & IoT Africa

Mabel Delali Osae Follow me on LinkedIn

Associate Data Scientist
Maverick Research

Alice Mensah Follow me on LinkedIn

Chief Operating Officer

Faiza Seidu-Adam Follow me on LinkedIn

Information Security Engineer & Founder

Kweyakie Afi Bleboo Follow me on LinkedIn

Data Scientist &
Cofounder of Because She Can

Derek Degbe Follow me on LinkedIn

Data Consultant & Analytics Engineer

Precious Darkwa Follow me on LinkedIn

Data Scientist
Blossom Academy

Ruth Nduta Follow me on LinkedIn

Data Scientist & Cofounder of Mundaly

Jason Quist Follow me on LinkedIn

AI Scientist at GaitLab

Irene Ofori-Agyeman Follow me on LinkedIn

Communication and Data Professional


Tentative Program Outline

8:00 AM | Registration
Register for the AI Afahyɛ
9:00 AM | Panel Discussion
Women Transforming the AI Industry - Naa Lamle Boye, Kweyakie Afi Blebo, Precious Darkwa, Faiza Seidu-Ada
9:30 AM | Coffee Break
9:50 AM | Welcome Address & Launch of Divas in AI Ghana
Deborah Arthur
10:20 AM | First Keynote Address
Current State of AI in Ghana & Africa - Dr. Stephen Moore
10:50 AM | First Presentation
Current Tech Job Ecosystem - Winnifred Kotin
11:20 AM | Panel Discussion
Evolution of Machine Learning in Africa -Joshua Opoku Agyemang, Theophilus Dogbe, Mabel DelaliOsae, Derek Dogbe
12:10 AM | Second Keynote Speaker
Future of AI in Health & Agriculture -Darlington Akogo
12:55 PM | Lunch Break
1:55 PM | Demo Sessions & Poster Presentations
Ghana NLP, Academic City University College, IoT Network Hub
2:40 PM | Workshop Sessions
The Cashew Disease Identification AI Training Session - GIZ Responsible AI for Generative Model - Google
4:10 PM | Networking Break
4:30 PM | Presentation of Hackathon Prize Winners
Ennovate Blck
4:45 PM | Closing Remarks
Barbara Asiamah
5:00 PM | Group Pictures & Photo Booth
5:00PM | Group pictures / Photobooth